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Saturday, July 17, 2010

what a day!

as most of u know, I buy/sell iphones. well, phones. today o had gotten an email saying that someone want to buy my phone that I had posted on Craiglist. I was only asking for $250. in the email, he told me that be will pay $300 for the phone and $150 for the shipping. shipping doesn't cost that much, but if he wanted to. all this would have been through paypal. o get another email saying the total payment will be $450 that he will send me. I replied, ok. a good day for me. through all of this it didn't feel right. even in his introductory email it didn't seem right. so I replied ok. he then send me another email saying that he sent me the money and that its been deducted from his account. that crazy part about that email is that he didn't send $450. he said he sent $1000. now selling an iPhone 3g 8gb for $450 is a rarity, but it could happen. someone easily given you $1000... now that's BULLSHIT!! yet another flag goes up. in the same email. be said that I should recieve an email to verify that he sent the money and once I do that I will receive my money. the only problem with that is I work soon paypal so much...I can tell a fake email. so I email him back and tell him basically I know you're fake n have a nice day. be tried to vet assertive in the email saying the money has been taken out of his account. I nicely told him to FUCK OFF!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

where do we from here?

it seem like we have the same talk and have the same results. kind of remind you of the meaning of insanity giving by Elbert E. it hard to solve something when you're not the person that can fix. something have to change. I can't keep burying myself in my work. I'm scared if I keep drinking the way I am...I will be an alcholic! sometimes I want to wave the white flag and tell her she win, but I deserve to be happy too. idk! Smh! FTW! FML! hmmm... what do u think?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

welcome to Droid!

I know I'm late on this Android phone but still u should welcome me. its been a long time coming! if I haven't called u its cuz I still trying to switch everything over.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lil kids reenact Scarface! so wrong!

...But I think I would of enjoyed it! Can't lie!

Lil Kid Blowing Rings!!!! This is so wrong!